From November 16 to 17, the Integrating Cities Conference of Eurocities will take place in Utrecht, 'Inclusion for all. Empowering Vulnerable Migrants in Cities'.
This is also the final piece of the CONNECTION exchange project, in which the city of Antwerp participates. During this project, experiences, methodologies and good examples regarding migration were shared with each other.
At this Integrating Cities Conference, we would like to introduce some 'good practices' with which participants can become acquainted. Shortcut To Work (Dutch title: Spoorzoeker) was chosen as the Antwerp project.
You will find us at the conference in the 'project corner'.
November 16: 11.00-11.30 & 13.00-14.15
November 17: 10.30-11.00 & 12.30-13.30